Facts About a Beer Belly: How to Avoid Getting It

A beer belly implies an accumulation of visceral fat in the abdominal area. Unlike the fat that develops below the skin, visceral fats gather around body organs. The visceral fat builds up, leading to protrusion, commonly known as beer belly. Many ask questions about beer belly. Some assume that anyone who takes alcohol develops a beer belly. This article will enlighten us and help us learn more about a beer belly.
Many who lead busy lifestyles like to end their day and calm their mind with a little fun in the bar. Certainly, too much intake of alcohol equates to a beer belly that will be a concern for you as time goes by. Researchers from grademiners writing service and similar companies assert that beer is not what causes the belly projection; it is because of other underlying issues, which you will learn as you read on. Knowing what causes beer belly is good so you know how to prevent or eliminate it if it is already present.
According to research, here are the three common causes of beer belly:
High Calories
Visceral fat accumulates with a high intake of calories, whether from food, soft drinks, or beer. Alcohol is reported to have a lot of calories, 100-200 per serving. The amount of calories from beer and the calories from the normal food you eat daily can equate to excess calories that the body may not need.
Fat Accumulation
Excess calories in the body are usually stored as fat. Furthermore, alcohol inhibits fat metabolism as the liver breaks down the alcohol first. Since beer harms the body, the liver starts by eliminating it first. The calories broken down are directly stored in the belly in fat form.
As people age, the body does not require as many calories as before. The body demands less energy because of reduced activity. Some could be retired and have little activities in the day. Others could be having other complications with movement, so they work less. Overall, older people have fewer activities to handle. When they intake a lot of carbohydrates, the digestive system breaks down the excess calories into fats and stores them. Hence, older people who take a lot of alcohol are prone to beer belly.
How Can You Avoid Getting a Beer Belly?
Since we have learned that it is not the beer that entirely leads to a beer belly, you can control the underlying issues to ensure you maintain a healthy weight and avoid having a protruding belly even with alcohol intake. Alcohol puts you at a higher risk of developing a beer belly. However, you can keep it in check.
Here are a few tips you must apply to avoid beer belly:
Check the Calorie Count
Review any wine or beer you pick to know the calories you consume. Reviews help to choose the best product or service the market offers. People in need of writing services consider grademiners review before bidding their offers. Similarly, you do not want to have fun at the expense of your health.
The recommended amount of calories a person can take is 2000 per day. The food you eat can have a lot of calories; hence, your alcohol intake should have fewer calories so you do not exceed the healthy limit required.
Moderation Strategy
A large percentage of people who take alcohol fear giving up on their favorite drink as they deem it their best way of having fun. You don't necessarily have to give up on it; the secret is in moderation. Cut down the amount of alcohol you take to avoid all the health risks it poses on your body. In this way, you will regulate the calories you give to your body.
Too much beer slows down fat metabolism, posing more danger to our health. It also makes one more hungry, and in a drunken state, they may eat mostly unhealthy foods, which may worsen the situation.
Focus on Healthy Eating
Other than alcohol, certain foods, especially carbohydrates and processed foods, contribute greatly to weight gain and belly fat. Avoiding belly fat means checking your nutrition as a priority. Be keen to include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet as you get rid of processed foods and junk. Fruits and vegetables are fiber-rich, which helps prevent belly fat accumulation.

Food contains three major macronutrients including carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Among these, protein has greater value to the body. Before taking alcohol, take a plate of meat, nuts, or any other protein-rich meal. Healthy eating ensures a good supply of quality nutrients to the body so that the body doesn't have to rely on the calories from alcohol. On the same note, it is dangerous to take alcohol on an empty stomach.
Exercise Regularly
Experts advise people to move as much as possible in weight loss practices. Most people who take alcohol can get the urge to relax, sleep, and keep a cool lifestyle. However, such a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy, especially coupled with alcohol intake. You need to exercise more and allow the body to burn more fats that could accumulate, leading to an enlarged belly.
Moreover, alcohol gives you more calories than your body needs. Thus, it is important to get rid of them by exercising regularly. Young people are largely active, which helps them to get rid of unnecessary calories from their bodies. It explains why most young people will not have a beer belly despite their constant alcohol intake.
Millions of people enjoy alcohol worldwide regardless of the many potential risks it poses to their health. On the other hand, few alcoholic drinks, especially red wine, are known to be healthy and curative. It is important to evaluate your reason for taking alcohol and the effects it has on your physical and mental health. Apart from beer belly, take note of how alcohol could be affecting your life. If it poses more risks than benefits, reducing your intake or giving up on it could be the best decision.