Product Details
Booze Up Delivers Strongbow Cider Across London, Surrey, Kent & Middlesex 24 Hours
Strongbow cider is manufactured in England by Bulmers and is the UK's most popular cider, accounting for more than half of the cider sold in Britain. Strongbow is also unique in that it is, produced with a Royal Warrant.
Strongbow is named after the Cambro-Norman knight Richard de Clare, later Earl of Pembroke, nicknamed "Strongbow" for relying heavily on Welsh archers during campaigns in Ireland, where the native Irish had few bows and relied on javelins. The cider is, produced in Hereford by the English cider company Bulmers, part of Scottish and Newcastle, which in turn is owned by the Dutch brewer Heineken. It has been produced in South Africa since 2009, with a 5.3% ABV.
Strongbow is mass-produced using modern methods and contains apple concentrate and sugar. It is, fermented with a controlled yeast strain, and at least some varieties are, flavoured with artificial sweeteners.